Hawk Circle
Timber Frames
Our team is comprised of Ricardo Sierra and Craig Boynton.
They are joined by a changing crew of willing, active learners who are learning to cut, carve and shape beams and use hand tools. These young people help keep the ancient craft of timber framing alive and well, both for their own home building aspirations as well as for others in the communities they eventually reside.

Ricardo Sierra
Hawk Circle Executive Director
Rick's passion for timber framing began when he discovered the incredible difference living and using these historical and traditional spaces provided over modern buildings.
He studied and practiced his skills through working with Craig Boynton, from Hinsdale, MA, through the lineage of Jack Sobon, using square rule and the Historical American Joinery aesthetic found throughout the New England and New York area.
Craig Boynton
Hawk Circle Timber Frames Lead Instructor
Craig learned timber framing with Tim Burube, building hand hewn barns and houses as well as multiple restorations and new structures throughout the Berkshires & the New England area.
He's an excellent teacher and loves heirloom hand tools made in the heyday of the American Timber Framing era before modern 'stick framing' became prevalent.