The 2017 Spring Timber Framing Apprenticeship and other news...

This coming spring is filled with all kind of projects for our apprentices who want to learn a variety of building skills. First of all, Eagle House is just about wrapped up in terms of timber framing, with a few railings and floor joists left, but we will be shifting into 'natural building' mode as soon as it gets warm enough. We will be screening clay, mixing clay and wood chips together for out insulation for the walls, and then mixing clay plaster for the interior wall finish. There's always lots of little details in terms of finish work on a building, so it's going to be fun getting those completed so we can start using this space for our camps and workshops and retreats.

When we put in the electric service and water lines, it turns out that we need two new footbridges to cross those little streams heading up to our camp. So, while bridges are not huge projects, they are actually perfect for apprentices to work on. Getting the railings just right, and making sure they are braced and sturdy will be a substantial improvement on our current old 'rail free' bridges!

Another big improvement is the new Hawk Circle Camp Woodshed, which will keep firewood dry for our campfires for the whole summer and year-round workshops, and also store a few of our camp fire cookout supplies in one place, where it will stay neat and secure. This will allow us to learn some carpentry skills, as we raise the timber frame, then install the walls, floor and the roof and shingles. Those are essential skills for anyone who wants to build their own cabin or house someday!
We also have an instructor or guest cabin that needs to be raised, and then enclosed using natural building techniques, so that will also be something that can get some attention as Eagle House is wrapping up.
I've has a lot of people over the past few years ask about workshops so this spring we are offering three building related classes.

These are all two day classes, with housing available and lunch provided. Just click the links to get the full description if you are interested. Or give me an email if you like.
If you would like information for the Spring Timber Framing Apprenticeship, here is the PDF of the details, too.
My friend Tommy is currently building a timber frame woodshed in our 'Build Your Own Frame' program, and it's going great. He's got some of the posts completed, the floor joists and braces, and even a few rafters done, so, it is coming along. I'll have some pictures in my next blog post about it, and more details, and maybe a short audio recording of his experience. That could be kind of fun.
The new Apprenticeship starts in a little over a month, and it's already feeling like spring, with all of this warm weather, so, maybe, just maybe, the building season is going to start early? I guess we will see soon enough!